


In the subpopulation of high-risk patients—individuals with post-ACS, patients with diabetes, post-PCI and others—is there enough compelling evidence from the PCSK9 trials that the “LDL hypothesis” is a proven fact?

In the subpopulation of high-risk patients—individuals with post-ACS, patients with diabetes, post-PCI and others—is there enough compelling evidence from the PCSK9 trials that the “LDL hypothesis” is a proven fact?

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CMEducation Resources IQ&A Cardiovascular Intelligence Zone | The Medical Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology, Lipid Medicine, Atherosclerosis and Diabetes Specialist's Perspective


Freek W A Verheugt, MD, PhD

Freek W A Verheugt, MD, PhD

Professor of Cardiology Chairman of the Department of Cardiology Heartcenter of the University Medical Center Nijmegen, The Netherlands