


What is the unmet need for residual CV risk reduction in post-ACS patients with T2D? In your role as a member of the LDL Guideline Group for AACE, what were the implications of treating diabetic patients with so-called “extreme risk”?”

What is the unmet need for residual CV risk reduction in post-ACS patients with T2D? In your role as a member of the LDL Guideline Group for AACE, what were the implications of treating diabetic patients with so-called “extreme risk”?”

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CMEducation Resources IQ&A Cardiovascular Intelligence Zone | The Medical Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology, Lipid Medicine, Atherosclerosis and Diabetes Specialist's Perspective


Vivian Fonseca, MD

Vivian Fonseca, MD

Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology Tullis Tulane Alumni Chair in Diabetes Chief, Section of Endocrinology Tulane University Health Sciences Center Past President, Science and Medicine American Diabetes Association