


Why are patients who should clearly be on a PCSK9 inhibitor not being treated in the primary cardiology setting, but rather seeking and obtaining this treatment in the lipid clinic environment?

Why are patients who should clearly be on a PCSK9 inhibitor not being treated in the primary cardiology setting, but rather seeking and obtaining this treatment in the lipid clinic environment?

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CMEducation Resources IQ&A Cardiovascular Intelligence Zone | The Medical Cardiology, Interventional Cardiology, Lipid Medicine, Atherosclerosis and Diabetes Specialist's Perspective


Anne C. Goldberg, MD, FNLA, FACP, FAHA

Anne C. Goldberg, MD, FNLA, FACP, FAHA

Professor of Medicine Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism & Lipid Research Washington University in St. Louis St. Louis, MO